I love books
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Have I ever said that I love books? Damn, I hate them. I still remember when everyone wanted to force me reading them. I think that’s just because of that. Perhaps, if I’d find some old copy of Umberto Eco, covered by dust, I’d just fall into world of written mystery… But I haven’t. Or, more precisely, I didn’t, because once I did. But, let’s back to plot. I never had enough strength to pass through Carol May’s or Frank Herbert’s novels. For sake, I was just too young for it. About 13 years old. Something about it. I was just in the best age to learn how to make books your worst enemy. And once. Once upon a time I saw the movie. The Dune. It was so strange, so freaky that I just couldn’t wait for reading the book. And I did it. At last I’ve passed the Dune. Next movie… guess what? Interview with a Vampire. Few year before I was just addicted to music of Type ‘o Negative and Moonspell - their Vampiria. It was obvious that Interview thrown me from my legs. So… damn… this Heineken always makes me lose the point. But I’ll try continue. So. I do love Anne Rice’s novels. Really. Perhaps I love them just after my sweet girl and family. The best thing in them, is that I can find some relation between pure humanity and evil. That I can see me and people around me in every single vampire over there. Too much to say - you should try it by your own. Don’t stop just after the movie. Books by Anne are much different and as I think, much better. Oh. I remember. I’ve found the point. So. You know that I’m graphic amateur. You can see it above ;P. So. For a long time, I’m very, very, very interested in animation. I do much in flash, but I’m still looking for some cool animation software. I’ve found few and I’m testing them at the moment. So. To learn real animation I had to choose some great plot. I decided to use few first chapters of Anne Rice’s Vampire Lestat. I know that probably I’d never finish it. If even, I’d show it only to my friends, because nobody else would be interested in it. But I thought that if I want to do such thing, I have to ask Anne. I did it. And got answer :). Not pointing on it, I’m just very happy that she really have respond my mail. That’s very cool you know. When your beloved author really is able to read what you think and even if she have no time to write long answer - she says - I’ve read it, thanks for mail. Take care… That means for me much. So… Now I’m finishing that note. Finishing my Heineken and going sleep. What would I dream about? About my girl and maybe about me as a vampire… or maybe at least me watching the newest musical of Broadway - Vampire Lestat. I wish I was there… and you?