You know I do love traveling, don't you?
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You know I do love traveling, don’t you? I truly do, but unfortunately have no enough time to do some really great trip. Maybe in few years I’d decide to make my dream come true about Round The World Trip. But to be honest, I don’t reallybelieve I’d do such in next 3 years. But still, I can remind myself my beloved trips from past and dream about another. I really miss my team from students exchange toFinland, but by landscape nothing can beat Bornholm. Sailing there and docking into it’s hidden between rocks ports was amazing. Maybe I can’t travel so much at the moment and in next months I’d be even less available to (I have last semester before my diploma), but always I can focus on my friends or other well known to me travelers. Today, I’d love to present you one of them - Zaor. Lucky bastard gone there where I want to go mostly - Asia. Directly I mean Angkor Wat and other ancient things on far east. Of course, we may say - what exactly exciting and uncommon is in it? You take a plain and just go. In that way I can say I’m trulyjealous to Daniel - who went to China. But Zaor did it in different way. He went from Poland to far east by hitch-hiking and public transport. He spent nights in tent in the middle of the steppe. He toke a photo with Buddhist version of Tadeusz Rydzyk*. So just check his blog and gallery - really worth reading. Tadeusz Rydzyk - very rich Polish priest, owner of biggest Christian radio in Poland. To describe him we can use parody of Visa Card Commercial made by Szymon Majeski:
“Brand new limousine - 450 000 zloty. Helicopter - 1,2 mln zloty. Estate next to Torun - 15 mln zloty. Full of love views of submissive politics - priceless. There are things you can’t buy. On rest of it you can spend money from faith-full listeners”