Autumn in a pill
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There has been a lot of chaos recently. Don't take it as a Pre-New-Years resolution, but I feel like I need and I can come back to a bit more organised lifestyle. And yes, it's because our lifestyle has changed a great deal. It's clear that at least for next month we will spend most of our time at home and working remotely may stay here for longer. It required some amendments, especially home became a bit tighter. It also turned out that without the office environment, I need far more organised routine. Otherwise, I'd keep failing behind with most of the things I wanted to achieve.
I won't cry or prise here long. I don't want it to be a fine tunned blog post that won't be followed by other within months. I also just want to write it down for myself. Don't think many read it often. So what happened?
Organisation & Projects
- I came back to using the journal, at least to organise my daily tasks at work
- I cleaned up my shared to-do lists and put in Google Keep rather in many different apps
- I started to doddle a bit, created a separate Instagram account for it
- I time-limited use of social media and bought phone cage; avoid using during daytime
- I came back to review the book I was working on; because COVID it requires massive revision
- We work on Marty3 Rasberry Pi - Lego robot again, but turned out we need to upgrade our Pi to be able to use Yolo and other AI stuff
- There are four of us now
- I dug out the guitar and started to play and sing with Martin; his Polish has improved
- I try to spend at least once a week have me and Martin only time, preferably at nature
- I lost track how many books on parenting I've read recently
- I allowed myself too little move and too much food
- Now I'm back fasting